I made a flicker account and uploaded some photos I had taken a couple years ago of poems made out of cigarette health warnings. Those health warnings are terrible. I would attack my flatmates packets with vivids and make them entirely new cases full of collages made out of national geographic cuttings. However, this has nothing to do with Web 2.0.
For my Web 2.0 lesson, I attempted and failed to work out how to put the photographs them on the world map using a 3rd party application. They were taken in Dundee, Scotland so that would have been pretty rad. But I managed to put one up on this blog:

For my Web 2.0 lesson, I attempted and failed to work out how to put the photographs them on the world map using a 3rd party application. They were taken in Dundee, Scotland so that would have been pretty rad. But I managed to put one up on this blog:

A friendly colleague pointed me in the direction of a great mash ups site: Multicolr search lab
I picked some dicordant colours and got a pretty selection of images which I then attempted to paste them into my blog. Perhaps the above chaotic ramble of thumbnails is what I intended. Who would ever know?
Finally I looked at an online image generator called Letter James which I used to create the image below.